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Academic Resources

This tutorial aims to prepare you for quantitative public health breadth courses including Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Biology and Public Health, commonly known as W142, and Epidemiologic Methods I, a.k.a. W250.

Access the self-paced tutorial course site here.

Last Updated for Fall 2023

OOMPH PHW142 Tutors will meet with students individually and in small groups via Zoom to review course concepts and assignments.

Book an appointment here.

OOMPH PHW250 Tutors will meet with students individually and in small groups via Zoom to review course concepts and assignments.

Book an appointment here.

R Tech Support student assistants provide support to students in a variety of OOMPH courses which use the R programming language (including PHW142, PHW250B, PHW241 and PH272C). Tech Support student assistants will meet one-on-one with OOMPH students via Zoom.

Book an appointment here.

Topics covered during the R Tech Support sessions might include:

  • Importing & Exporting Data (readr, etc.)
  • Data Wrangling and Cleaning (tidyverse, janitor, dplyr, etc.)
  • Creating Graphs and Plots (ggplot2, plotly, shiny, etc.)
  • Releveling and Reordering Data for Visualizations (forcats, etc.)
  • Creating Tables (kableExtra, formattable, DT, etc.)
  • Statistical Calculations (lm, epitools, pacman, etc.)
  • Merging Data Sets (right_join, left_join, inner_join, etc.)
  • Knitting R Markdown Files (knitr, etc.)
  • Spatial Analysis in R
  • Other Topics (e.g. linking GitHub Acc to RStudio)

Use the Curriculum Tool to explore different program choices and course sequences, along with anticipated dates for completing the practicum and comprehensive exam.

Technology and Software

  • bMail,
  • bCalendar
  • bDrive (google documents, presentations, and sheets)
  • Berkeley Box: Berkeley box is a file storing and sharing tool. All faculty, staff and students are given 50GB of space in their account

Visit the bConnected page to access these communication and collaboration tools.

Visit the Video Production Resources page to see how you can record, edit, and post a video to bcourses.

Check the Software Catalog to see the wide range of software you have access to as a Berkeley student.

Adobe Creative Cloud is available for UC Berkeley students. Available applications include: Photoshop, Premiere, InDesign, After Effects, Audition, Bridge, Dreamweaver, Lightroom, Illustrator, Flash Pro, and Muse.

Visit the Berkeley Adobe Creative Cloud site for more information on how to request a license and download Adobe software.

As a UC Berkeley student, you have access to one of the finest libraries in the world! Online databases, journals, books, and other items are available to meet your research needs. Use the library proxy server of campus VPN to access online resources remotely:

Visit the OOMPH library resource page.

If you are an OOMPH student without the resources you need to engage in the online environment, please complete this application for a free loan of hardware from the Student Technology Equity Program (STEP). Hardware is checked-out for up to four years. Students are subject to eligibility review on the basis of financial need, instructional role, and covid-related need.

Disabled Students Program (DSP)

DSP services include accommodation, academic and financial advising, assistive technology, and access services. An accommodation letter is needed for all classes for which accommodation is needed (e.g., extended exam time). Students must be assessed every semester to receive an accommodation letter. (510) 642-0518 / web site:

Resources for Undocumented Students

The Undocumented Student Program (USP) provides guidance, support, and resources to undocumented students at Cal.

Visit the USP website for more information on all their services.

Contact Jessica Mena Flores ( if you want to be added to USP’s Undocumented Graduate Student listserv or complete this google form here.

The Office for Graduate Diversity and Berkeley Graduate Division are pleased to announce stipends for undocumented graduate students. This financial award is intended to fill a critical gap in graduate and professional student support. Applications will be reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis.

Visit the scholarship website for more information.

Please see the following spreadsheet for updated scholarships and professional development opportunities:

Scholarships / Graduate School Pipeline Programs/ Professional Development Opportunities

Resources for First Generation Students

Video Resources

Review and navigate key functions in CalCentral.

Review SHIP and the wavier process.


Review and navigate key functions in the Student Gateway.

Campus Resources

The Associated Students of University of California (ASUC)  is the officially recognized student association at the University of California, Berkeley. The ASUC advocates for students on a University, local, state, and national level and represents the student body on administrative campus committees, in addition to controlling funding for student clubs and organizations, providing resources and student programming, overseeing commercial activities and student services including the Cal Student Store and Lower Sproul Plaza in partnership with the ASUC Student Union.

University Health Services (UHS)  provides comprehensive medical, mental health, insurance, and health promotion services to all Berkeley students and health programs for faculty and staff.

The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) is UC Berkeley’s Campus Green Fund. TGIF provides funding, via grants, for projects that improve and support UC Berkeley’s campus sustainability efforts.

The Daily Californian  is an independent, student-run newspaper published by the Independent Berkeley Students Publishing Company, Inc. The Daily Californian covers both the UC Berkeley campus and the city of Berkeley.

The Wellness Initiative Fund supports existing and future wellness services and programming for students, such as Continuation of existing Recreational Sports Programs and Services, UHS Wellness Improvements, Wellness Services, Diversity Student Wellness Programs, Sexual Assault Prevention and Support Programs, and Counseling and Psychological Services. Students may submit proposals to fund wellness projects.

The Recreational Sports Facility (RSF) is UC Berkeley’s on-campus gym and physical activities center. The RSF hosts many programs, events, and facilities for your physical activity use.

  • Amy Honigman ( (Only sees Graduate Students)
  • Diana Peña ( (USP Psychologist; sees all USP students)


Additional Resources for students outside of California

  • All UC campuses provide prevention education to graduate and professional students (as well as to undergraduates, staff, and faculty) and you are required to complete certain elements; more information is provided at the end of this letter. Additionally, there are many resources to help you learn more about preventing and responding to SVSH.
  • Confidential advocacy for students is available through the PATH to Care Center and the Social Services unit at the Tang Center. Students may also utilize the Ombuds Office for a confidential place to discuss complaints and consider their options.
  • The UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment prohibits sexual violence and sexual harassment, including behaviors such as retaliation, relationship violence, and stalking. All UC affiliates, including graduate and professional students, have a right to support services and a grievance process.

Students can bring complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence to a campus administrative office (the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination, to law enforcement (UCPD or a federal agency (the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Education).

The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) provides first generation, low-income, and underrepresented college students with the guidance and resources necessary to succeed at the best public university in the world. EOP’s individualized academic counseling, comprehensive support services, and extensive campus referral network help students develop the unique gifts and talents they each bring to the university while empowering them to achieve.

The Basic Needs Center provides support for meeting student basic needs such as food, housing, finances, mental health, and health care.

Back-Up Child Care provides highly-subsidized in-home and center-based back-up child care for UC Berkeley student parents.

Student Technology Equity Program (STEP)
If you are a OOMPH student without the resources you need to engage in the online environment, please complete this application for a free loan of hardware from the Student Technology Equity Program (STEP). Hardware is checked-out for up to four years. Students are subject to eligibility review on the basis of financial need, instructional role and covid-related need.

Campus Fee Breakdown

The Campus Fee pays for many on-campus resources and services available to you as an OOMPH student, including the: