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OOMPH Forms and Applications

OOMPH Concentration Change Request This form is only to be used by current OOMPH students requesting to change their program option/concentration. Before beginning this process, please consult with your Faculty Advisor or Program Manager through our Team Directory and Advising website.

If you decide to change your concentration, we recommend that you submit this form by the end of your 4th semester or the completion of 24 units.
Petition to Change Class ScheduleTo request to add/drop an online course, please complete this program approval form. Submit one form per request.
Application for Re-EnrollmentThis form is only to be used by students returning to complete the same degree program from which they left. Please note that re-enrollment for students on withdrawn status (for any reason) is subject to departmental approval and is not guaranteed.
UC Berkeley CardKey ApplicationThis form is only used by current OOMPH students requesting access to 2121 Berkeley Way. You will be provided access to the bike room, 5th floor lobby area, and graduate student lounge 24/7, and to the secured areas of the 5th floor Monday through Friday, 8am–6pm.

The form will be routed to your Program Manager for review and approval. Once approved, it will be sent to UCPD for processing. Please allow 4–5 business days for building access.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Graduate StudentsFinancial aid regulations require that students meet specific Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements to maintain eligibility for financial aid. For more information, please visit the financial aid website.
OOMPH Emergency Aid ApplicationOOMPH students can apply for this award using the linked Emergency Aid Application form. The form contains information about eligibility and restrictions.
Summer Visit FormOnline MPH curriculum has mandatory on-campus course sessions.
The deferral for a future term will not be approved except in the case of unexpected circumstances. Before beginning this process, please consult with your Program Manager through our Team Directory and Advising website.

Other Degree Forms

Filing Fee ApplicationSpecial Enrollment Petition eForm in CalCentral.
Navigation: Calcentral > My Dashboard > Special Enrollment Petition.
Job Aid: Filing Fee Status

Please note: if you are receiving a fellowship you will be responsible for the Filing Fee cost. If you have other questions regarding your fellowship please reach out to the Fellowship Manager, Ann Drevno,
Petition for Parenting LeaveSpecial Enrollment Petition eForm in CalCentral
Navigation: Calcentral > My Dashboard > Special Enrollment Petition
Job Aid: Special Enrollment Petition (SEP) - Parental Leave
Request for Certificate of Degree CompletionThe Certificate of Degree Completion is automatically generated by our system and emailed to students as soon as all steps in the filing process have been completed AND all requirements have been met on the student’s Academic Progress Report (APR).
Withdrawal/Cancellation RequestWithdraw/Cancellation Request form in Calcentral
Navigation: Calcentral > My Dashboard > Add a Withdraw Request
For more information, please visit the refund policy calendar and fees website.

OOMPH Form Submitted By Faculty

Contract for IncompletesThis form should be completed by the Instructor after a Request for an Incomplete Grade has been made by the student. After the instructor submits the form, a DocuSign form will be emailed for signatures (first to the instructor, then to the student)